The Truth About Lottery Numbers

The Truth About Lottery Numbers

Mathematicians and statisticians are adamant that previous lottery numbers drawn have no bearing whatsoever on future lottery numbers. Nevertheless there are numerous sites on the web that provide systems for predicting lottery numbers.

This leads to some curious assertions. Some sites say that numbers that have appeared frequently in the past are likely to appear again. Other sites come to the conclusion that irrational number combinations like 04-05-06-07-09 have a better chance of winning than numbers with sequential patterns like 3-4-5-6-7.

Are Numbers Jackpotable?

The answer to the question is not simple. We are all aware that lottery numbers are drawn at random. That is, each number is equally likely to appear in every draw. Nevertheless, there is a known principle in probability theory that says that the more often a number is drawn, the less possible it is that another number will follow. For example, six consecutive numbers in a sequence are less likely to come out than three in a sequence. The chances of a six consecutive number coming out on the next draw are only 1 in 13,983,816, while the chances of three consecutive numbers in a sequence are 1 in 1,087,223.

Yet the mathematical expectation for a non-repeating sequence of numbers is the sum of the first and last number in the sequence. For example, if the first and last numbers are 1 and 12, then the expectation is 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1. This proportion is only a rough calculation, but is accurate enough to convey the impossibility of a non-repeating sequence of numbers.

Suppose the numbers 1-2-3-4-5-6 are drawn on the next lottery draw. How often can we say that the two next numbers will be the same as the numbers 1 and 12? There are twelve possible combinations, so the odds are 1 in 13,983,816 that this will occur. This is only a 7% advantage for the branded lottery system. In this case the mathematical expectation is 1 in 72,ededging the possibility.

What might be more likely is that the next lottery draw will not be a repeat of the previous draw. Perhaps the draw will be an alteration of the winning numbers, perhaps to incorporate a duplicate. If the numbers 1-2-3-4-5-6 are drawn on the next lotto draw, then the mathematical expectation is 1 in 13,983,816 that this will not happen, and the odds against this happening are 1 in 72,ededging the odds in this case.

The next stage of this infancy analysis is to operationalise the Fibonacci sequence. This sequence has been discovered to be the preferred sequence by the online lotto industry. It consecutively repeats 1-2-3-4-5-6. Each number is generated by adding the two previous numbers. With the sequence 1-2-3-4-5-6 generated, the first and last numbers will be drawn. If the numbers are not consecutive, then the whole number of the sequence will be drawn.

Select two sequences of numbers, such as 1-2-3-4-5-6.• mark on your chart all the numbers that you have marked in the red box.• you will now need to wait for the next draw, and• if the numbers are consecutive, then you will need to attach the two parts of the Fibonacci sequence• the first and last number is the first and last number of the sequence.• If the numbers in either of the sequences are different, then the whole number of the sequence will be drawn.

The odds against you are 2,598,792 to 1 to pick the first and last numbers in the Fibonacci sequence. This is a huge odds and despite of the many people who search for the cracked the lottery code, or digital Finishing education, no one has cracked combination has ever been found.

So if you are looking for the winning Finishing lottery codes, you will have to settle for the well established systems available from some of the world’s best No doubt, you will have to fund your participation to their regularly published papers, but the prize money is more than adequate to enable you to continue your research.